Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Minority

This is just a small rant, but something that completely puts me off is that after trying to be an understanding and strong patient, insurance companies write off donors who have donated some type of organ as a "pre-existing" condition. Think about it. I am only 18 years old, just beginning to put my foot in the door of the "adult" world. The doctors tell me that I need to get insurance right now because after the surgery,I will not likely be able to be covered because of my pre-existing condition. Is that fair to the people who risk their lives (even if it is a small percent) in order to save someone else from the pain of dialysis...and even death? I don't understand what's going on with the health care at the moment because I honestly have no interest in it. But if people could look into the handful of those suffering from this, it could make living a little bit better. I am 18 having to face the decision to give up a kidney for my brother, which ultimately means giving up the possibility of being covered under an insurance policy, and NOT labeled as a high-risk. If the government wants to do something for this country, think about the people like me. They don't have to do anything drastic, but they can offer us a particular policy for donors. I don't want to go my entire life not having insurance, but I don't want to go my entire life knowing that it could have been different. Donors are great people, just from meeting them myself. People don't donate to boost their ego or to make their lives easier. People do this because they CARE about someone. If only doing this wasn't such a difficult decision, especially for someone my age.